Gemstone Directory
Physical & Metaphysical properties of Gems, Crystals & Minerals
Agate is a type banded chalcedony from the quartz family. Stabilizing, strengthening and protective.
Amber is a fossilized tree resin from the Baltic sea, a record-keeper of Earth’s ancient forests.
The prized purple variety of Quartz. Royal gem of the crown chakra. Meditation & higher awareness.
A type of quartz that is a fusion of citrine and amethyst. Focus, inspiration and creativity.
An organic gemstone that formed as a fossil of ancient sea shells. Awaken the higher consciousness.
Blue, blue-green and golden, Apatite is a vibrant gemstone full of color that aids in communication.
"Water of the Sea" a blue to bluish-green variety of Beryl, Calming, a stone of truth and wisdom.
A newly discovered gemstone, this rare blue-green chalcedony helps clear emotions and find your voice.
An orange variety of chalcedony linked to the solar-plexus. Energizing, revitalizing and empowering.
A rare mineral with flowering crystal form, and intense teal color. Enhances intuition & wisdom.
A delicate sky blue colored crystal that often grown as geodes. Calming, soothing & angelic vibrations.
A purple silicate mineral, its name comes from "chary", meaning magic. Mystical & insightful.
Chrome Diopside
This rare chromium rich Diopside comes in dazzling green colors. Connect to the heartbeat of the earth.
A complex mineral with elements of copper, quartz, azurite & malachite. Expression & emotional clarity.
A green variety of chalcedony, this stone is excellent for clearning negativity and activating the heart.
Citrine is a variety of quartz, from light yellow to golden color. Uplifting, stimulating and vitalizing.
The royal crystal of light, stone of ice and fire. A symbol of faith and the timelessness of love.
They precious green to bluish-green variety of Beryl. Opens the heart, gives insight and wisdom.
A complex mineral with rare earth elements, this stone connects the heart with grounded earth.
A dynamic crystal that forms in isometric cubic patterns. A tonic for the emotions, like pure water.
A group of silicate crystals, garnet is prized as a stone of vitality, health and a creative stimulant.
Herkimer Diamond
A special variety of double-terminated quartz with exceptional clarity & brilliance. Visionary & intuitive.
A special pleochroic gemstone with blue to violet color tones. Gem of the third-eye & mystical visions.
A green stone treasured since ancient times, known as 'the dream stone'. Attract knowledge & abundance.
An angelic crystal of pure lithium, this pink variety of Spodumene lightens the heart and uplifts the spirit.
An aluminoslicate crystal with sapphire blue color, this stone balances all the chakras and ethereal body.
A dynamic feldspar mineral, Labradorite is a magical shapeshifting stone that enhances the intuiton.
Lapis Lazuli
A deep blue metamorphic rock made of mostly lazurite. Stimulates the pineal gland and third-eye.
A rare aqua colored variety of pectolite. Its energy is of the calm sea, helping to relieve stress & anxiety.
Libyan Desert Glass
A rare golden tektite formed in a cosmic event millions of years ago. Empowering & energizing.
The starborn stone of green fire, Moldavite is a rare tektite of great power. Mystical & transformative.
A shimmering gemstone from the feldspar family, it holds the intuitive emotional capacity of the moon.
A valuable pink to peach variety of beryl that harmonizes with the heart and the of love.
A rare metamorphic rock from Greenland known as the sorcerer's stone. Deep earth energy.
An amorphous form of silica with dynamic plays of color. Awakens deep emotions & creativity.
A calcium carbonate that forms organically in mollusks. A symbol of innocence, purity & wisdom.
A gem quality olivine, with golden green color. A stone for protection and manifestation.
A chatoyant opaque gemstone with black and golden wisps. Used for cleansing & to dispel negative energy.
A rare nesosilicate mineral with trigonal crystals that are high vibrational & excellent for the intuition.
A lime green stone that forms in orthorhombic crystals. A stone for personal growth.
Quartz: Brandberg
A prized type of amethyst & smokey quartz from Brandberg, Namibia. Powerful shamanic crystals.
Quartz Crystal
Clear quartz forms as silicon-oxide in trigonal crystals. For clarity, insight & balance.
Quartz: Elestial
Known as skeletal quartz for its multifaceted crystal form, these are record keepers of great healing.
Quartz: Smoky
Known as skeletal quartz for its multifaceted crystal form, these are record keepers of great healing.
Quartz: Rutile
A variety of quartz crystal with titanium dioxide needle inclusions in colors of gold, black, green or red.
A pink to red carbonate mineral with trigonal crystals, this is a stone of joy that lightens the heart.
Rose Quartz
A gentle pink variety of quartz is a stone of love and emotional healing. A gentle balm for the heart.
A pink to deep red variety of corundum & a cardinal precious gem. Vitality, sensuality & Creativity.
A teal to blue variety of corundum & cardinal precious gem. A transformative stone of protection.
A silicate crystal that forms in golden and violet colors. Excellent for change & pursuing goals.
The green sister of charoite, with chatoyant green & white swirls. Strong connection to nature & growth.
A rare pink to purple and black cyclosilicate mineral. A tonic to relieve stress & dispel negative energy.
An orange feldspar with copper inclusions that glitter in the light. Strong solar energy for joy & vitality.
A rare trichroic blue to violet variety of zoisite from Tanzania. Transformative gem of the third-eye.
Tourmaline: Blue
Indicolite, the blue variety of tourmaline is strongly magnetic. Enhance intuition & find your voice.
Tourmaline: Green
Verdelite tourmaline occurs in all shades of green. Attuned to the vibrations of growth & renewal.
Tourmaline: Pink
Rubellite, the pink variety of tourmaline contains high levels of lithium. Naturally uplifting, loving & energizing.
Tourmaline: Watermelon
A precious variety of tourmaline with pink & green bicolor crystals. Heals old wounds & open the heart.
A rare variety of garnet that forms in cubic crystals. Stimulates the kunadalini & awakens creativity.
A blue to green phosphate of copper and aluminium. A throat chakra stone of truth & empathy.