Wonderful Bi-Colored Tourmaline Crystal with Clear Color and Transparency
Item Code: TC35
Dimensions: 30 x 12 x 11 mm
Weight: 42 carats (8.38 grams)
Unique Qualities
This is a great Pink Tourmaline crystal with a clearly defined green colored base. It is 30 x 12 x 11 mm in size and weighs 32 carats. Pink and Green bi-colored tourmaline act on the heart center by helping to release emotional baggage that hold one back from experiencing love and joy, while also strengthening the physical heart and circulation.
Pink Tourmaline colors have a wide range, from light to darker pink, purplish-pink to peachy-pink color tones. Rubellite is a special variety of Pink Tourmaline that has a deep saturated pinkish-red to violet-red color. Nearly all Pink Tourmaline’s belong to the Elbaite species, the most dynamic species of Tourmaline. The pink to reddish color rays support energies of confidence, passion and commitment to your highest self.