Item Code: AA614
Metric Dimensions: 21 x 11 x 13 mm
Imperial Dimensions: ¾” x ½” x ½” mm
Weight: 11 Carats (2.2 grams)
Unique Qualities
The Premium Moldavite Stone is perfect for those looking to incorporate the metaphysical properties of Moldavite into their lives. Known for its unique composition of silicon dioxide and tektites, this stone is believed to help cleanse the aura and connect to higher spiritual realms, as well as promote unconditional love and healing.
Moldavite was formed during a celestial event some 15 million years ago. A huge astroid estimated to be around 1 km in diameter struck southern Germany and formed what is today known as Ries Crater. Moldavite is known as the stone of transformation, a catalyst to inspire positive change and elevate one’s consciousness.