Faceted Kyanite, Herkimer Diamond, Chrysoprase Earrings
Item Code: SE397
Metric Dimensions: 47 x 8 x 5 mm
Imperial Dimensions: 1 3/4” x 1/4” x 1/4”
Weight: 15 Carats (3 grams)
Unique Qualities
This magical pair of earrings combines a trio of powerful gemstones, creating a powerful visual and energetic synergy. At the top, sits a pair of faceted blue Kyanite brilliants, followed by a drilled pair of genuine Herkimer Diamond crystals, with a pair of faceted Chrysoprase drops dangling from below. Kyanite is associated with the throat chakra and is an excellent tool for communication, and enhancing self-expression. Remove the blockages that stand in your way of speaking your truth. Herkimer Diamonds are amongst the most treasured of crystals in the metaphysical world. Their clarity and purity of light act as energetic amplifiers. Herkimer Diamonds are crystals of vision that can be used as guides to find one’s truth. Chrysoprase is a bright and uplifting green variety of Chalcedony that has the energy of Spring, fresh green growth, new life and renewal. It is aligned with the Heart Chakra and can help to balance the Yin and Yang of one’s energetic body.
Chrysocolla is a unique gemstone, in that it is actually an amalgamation of several minerals. It is a hydrated copper mineral occurring in cyan to greenish color tones and the minerals associated with it are quartz, limonite, azurite, and malachite. Chrysocolla opens the throat chakra and encourages positive communication and speaking your truth.
Chrysoprase is a gemstone variety of Chalcedony that receives its green color from trace amounts of nickel. The name Chrysoprase is a combination of two ancient Greek words, ‘chrusos’ meaning golden and ‘prason’ meaning leek, the ‘golden leek’ describing the typical color of Chrysoprase.
A misnomer, Herkimer Diamonds are actually double-terminated quartz crystals, originally found in outcrops of dolomite in the area of Herkimer County, New York. Herkimer Diamonds are amongst the most treasured of crystals in the metaphysical world. Their clarity and purity of light act as energetic amplifiers.
Kyanite is a blue to cyan aluminosilicate which forms in triclinic bladed crystals. Kyanite is still relatively rare in the gem world and considered to be somewhat exotic. Kyanite is associated with the throat chakra and is an excellent tool for communication, and enhancing self-expression.