Spectacular Museum Quality Moldavite Stone 10.6g
Spectacular Museum Quality Moldavite Stone 10.6g
Spectacular Museum Quality Moldavite Stone 10.6g
Spectacular Museum Quality Moldavite Stone 10.6g
Spectacular Museum Quality Moldavite Stone 10.6g
Spectacular Museum Quality Moldavite Stone 10.6g

Spectacular Museum Quality Moldavite Stone 10.6g

Regular price $564.00 Save $0.00

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Item Code: AAA1689
Metric Dimensions: 35 x 24 x 13 mm
Imperial Dimensions: 1 ⅜” x 1” x ½”
Weight: 53 Carats (10.6 grams)

Unique Qualities
This glorious genuine Czech Moldavite is forest green and has been carved out by nature over millions of years. Extraordinary edgings and tektite patterning cover this Museum Grade Moldavite drawing attention to the natural beauty of this specimen. This piece has a flat shape, molten texture and a lovely translucent, allowing light to soar through and illuminate a depth of inner movement. This cosmic stone was formed over millennia to fill the beholder with a sense of the wondrous and exotic. This gemstone is 100% genuine from Czech Republic. Moldavite is sought around the world for its inherent healing ability as well as the aid it gives in meditation, consciousness and manifestation - a most powerful gem, indeed!

Moldavite was formed during a celestial event some 15 million years ago. A huge astroid estimated to be around 1 km in diameter struck southern Germany and formed what is today known as Ries Crater. Moldavite is known as the stone of transformation, a catalyst to inspire positive change and elevate one’s consciousness.

Moldavite Gemstone Properties