stone of transformation
Moldavite Metaphysics
Gemstones, crystals and the inert rocks of nature have held an important place in all ancient cultures across the world. Even today, we are willing to pay hundreds of dollars per carat for a genuine Tanzanite compared to a few dollars per carat for the synthetic version. Is this only because of its rarity and beauty or is there something more innate, magical and indescribable that gives real gems their intrinsic value?
Moldavite, unlike other gemstones, did not grow beneath the earth but was formed here in a massive celestial event. From the devastating destruction of an astroid impact equivalent to the force of 6 trillion megatons, Moldavite was born. A fusion of space, an earth, an example of how the touch of nature can transform and create new substances in an instant.
Moldavite Power
One of the most ancient references we have of Moldavite being used for mystical purposes, is the Moldavites which were found in the ancient temple by the Venus of Willendorf. This fertility goddess, symbolizing Mother Earth, is perhaps the oldest depiction of a deity every discovered, estimated to be 28,000 years old!
Moldavite is known as the stone of transformation, a catalyst to inspire positive change and elevate one’s consciousness to higher levels. Even people who are not particularly sensitive to the energy of stones will often experience the “moldavite flush”. A rush of blood to the face and warm tingling sensation in the body, followed by an emotional release of joy or sadness.
Moldavite has been known to stimulate unusual dream states, described as lucid dreaming, with important experiences and messages imparted to the recipient.
For many, Moldavite is a stone meant for our modern times. It seems to attract new people by some invisible force, whether via a story from a friend, a prophetic dream or just stumbling upon an article about its unusual properties, Moldavite continues to grow in its reputation as a stone of great power and healing potential.
Moldavite can act as a conduit between planetary systems and can help raise conscious to a higher level. In an age of political turmoil, infighting and separateness, Moldavite represents universal consciousness, and a greater understanding of time and space. We are all cosmoneaughts on this great adventure together!

Is Moldavite the Stone of the Grail?
The Cintamani Stone, Agni Mani, Stone of Ra, Grailstone- these are all names that have been associated with Moldavite. The Cintamani Stone, or "wish-fulfilling gem" according to legend, is a green gem that fell from the stars and was sent to earth from the Sirius, a key star in the constellation of Orion.
In Sanskrit, the grail stone was called "Agni Mani" or "Fire Pearl". In the West, we know this legend as "The Philosopher's Stone". The stone was said to grant protection, immortality. Its power was considered so great that it was sent for safekeeping to the hidden city of Shambhala. Although in our physical plane, it appears as a green stone, its power lies beyond the physical realm and it acts as an inter-dimensional artifact.
Moldavite, has many similarities to these mysterious legends. It is said, Moldavite cannot be used for negative purposes and if one tries to misuse its powers, the stone will often simply disappear!
Whatever the case is, the only way you can decipher what mysteries Moldavite holds is to experience it for yourself. We love to hear customers stories so please send us an email with your story to share with others.
Moldavite Science
Learn about Moldavite's history, its physical composition and details on how it was formed.
What is Activated Moldavite?
Discover how Arkadia awakens the healing potential of Moldavite with a unique activation process.
What is Moldavite?
Discover the cosmic origin of Moldavite and why this rare stone is desired around the world!