Genuine Moldavite & Golden Rutile Pendant
Genuine Moldavite & Golden Rutile Pendant
Genuine Moldavite & Golden Rutile Pendant
Genuine Moldavite & Golden Rutile Pendant
Genuine Moldavite & Golden Rutile Pendant
Genuine Moldavite & Golden Rutile Pendant

Genuine Moldavite & Golden Rutile Pendant

Regular price $276.00 Save $0.00

Item Code: SFP1158
Metric Dimensions: 48 x 16 x 9 mm
Imperial Dimensions: 2” x ¾” x ¼” mm
Weight: 40 Carats (8 grams)

Unique Qualities
Genuine Czech Moldavite and Beautiful Golden Rutile sterling silver pendant

Rutilated Quartz is the name attributed to Quartz crystals that have inclusions of the needle-like mineral Rutile suspended within their crystal structure. The color of the Rutile needle inclusions ranges from gold to red, black and more rarely green. In ancient times, Rutile was known as the "hairs of Venus".

Rutile Quartz Gemstone Properties

Moldavite was formed during a celestial event some 15 million years ago. A huge astroid estimated to be around 1 km in diameter struck southern Germany and formed what is today known as Ries Crater. Moldavite is known as the stone of transformation, a catalyst to inspire positive change and elevate one’s consciousness.

Moldavite Gemstone Properties