Pink Gem of love


Rose Quartz Origin & Physical Properties

Rose Quartz is a pink translucent variety of quartz that occurs in large masses and rarely forms as crystals with developed crystal faces. The very rare crystalized specimens are called sometimes called Pink Quartz. The color ranges from a light pale pink to a deep reddish pink. The source of its color and milky translucency is caused by microscopic inclusions of the mineral dumortierite.

The colors in Pink Quartz crystal specimens is caused by trace amounts of phosphate or aluminum. These very rare crystals are sensitive to light and can fade with exposure to direct sunlight. Rose Quartz is dichroic and color changes can be easily observed using a polarizing lens. This is a sign that the microscopic mineral fibers that cause the coloration are aligned along a crystal axis. Rarely, Rose Quartz exhibits asterism and is called Star Rose Quartz. The effect is caused by needle inclusions that grew along three aligned axises.

Faceted Rose Quartz is not very common because fine quality transparent quartz is quite rare. Most high quality Rose Quartz that is of sufficient quality for gemstones is sourced from Brazil, India or Madagascar. It cannot be enhanced through treatment.

Category Properties

Chemical Composition


Mohs Hardness 




Specific Gravity

2.6 to 2.7

Refractive Index

1.54 - 1.55


Inert to weak purple

Crystal System



Semitransparent to Translucent


Pale pink to vivid pink


Madagascar, India, USA


Heart Chakra (4th)




Earth, Water

Metaphysical Effects

Empathy, unconditional love, forgiveness, Healing

Rose Quartz Healing & Metaphysical Properties

rose quartz crystal pink gemstone love heart healing metaphysical properties

Rose Quartz History & Mythology

Rose Quartz has a long history of use since the earliest civilizations. Rose Quartz beads dating back to 7000 B.C. have been discovered in ancient Mesopotamia. Celtic Burial mounds have been discovered with shaped Rose Quartz spheres placed ceremoniously on their bodies in southern Germany. Throughout the Iron Age, Rose Quartz was an important stone for Celtic cultures. Other archeological digs in Somerset, England discovered ceremonial deposits containing Rose Quartz crystals along with the claw of a white-tased eagle.

In Ancient Egypt, Rose Quartz was worshiped as a stone of the goddess of life, Isis. She symbolized motherhood, nurturing and fertility. Isis was eternally youthful and immortal, thus Rose Quartz was honored as a stone of eternal beauty and could prevent aging.  Isis was said to use Rose Quartz as a cleansing gem for her radiant face, and indeed, artifacts of Rose Quartz have been found in Ancient Egypt that archeologist theorize were used as face packs for traditional beauty routines.

In Greek mythology, Rose Quartz was a symbolic stone representing the triumph of love. Ares, the god of war, was betrothed to Aphrodite, the goddess of love. He was furious and jealous of Adonis, the god of fertility who held Aphrodite’s true heart and was her lover. Ares transformed himself into a while boar and charged at Adonis, fatally wounding him. As Aphrodite ran to her dead lover’s side, she was caught by a thorny bush that drew blood. Her drops of blood fell to the ground, blending with Adonis’s, staining nearby quartz rock. The stone turned a beautiful pink, and thus Rose Quartz was born in the world of gemstones! In a later tale, Cupid, the god of love, carried Rose Quartz with him along with his lover Eros, to bring to civilization. They gifted it to humanity to be used as a tool to foster love in the world.